Your Sunday Squirrel
With Forgotten Menagerie coming out on October 15th, I’ve been finding/receiving lots of squirrel based funnies and I thought I’d share them. Here’s the first one, about a soldier that saved a dying squirrel who, in the end, didn’t die. (Very vague echoes of something that happens in Nuts About You.)
No, I don’t know what the other stories are about. I’m keeping that as a birthday surprise for myself. But feel free to go investigate. There are four other stories in the anthology:
•Burdens Lightened — Angelia Sparrow (@asparrow16)
•The Greatest of These — Alex Whitehall (@alexwhitehall)
•Dangerous Territory — Cari Z (@author_cariz)
•Mirrors, the Moon and the Boy — Avery Vanderlyle (@averyvanderlyle)
I threw their Twitter handles in, too, in case you want to stalk follow them.