You would think, after all this time, I would recognize that when a chapter isn’t working for me, it’s probably a point of view error. Nope. To parody Writing Excuses: “Fifteen hours, because no one can see it happening and I’m not that smart.” I’ve spent the past three days tweaking and rearranging this...
Just a few lines tonight. Writing’s been a hit-or-miss kind of project lately, with more misses than hits. Writer’s block–or, rather, depression masquerading as writer’s block (so I can feel even worse about myself, right? Depression’s a shady bitch.). I’ve learned to recognize it for what it is, which is half the battle. I...
Editor: Here’s an idea for you–sexy cockroach. Me: o.O Editor: Evil laugh. *Fast forward one month* Me: Hmmmm.*scribbles* *plays with Paint* *Emails editor* Don’t be surprised if this gets written. Editor: Muwahahahaha! I win! It’s like she’s got some weird superpower. That’s okay. She doesn’t know the giant gummy bear that arrived at her...
This goes way beyond the werecockroach story my editor gifted me with. (Yes, indeed. A werecockroach. He’s a superspy. An indestructible superspy. I mean, he’s a cockroach, right? Not entirely sure who his arch-nemesis is, yet. Maybe a wereSEAL? Too far? Too much pun? Bear in mind, if you shoot this idea down, the...
I’m grumpy tonight, so I went straight to Nathan and Vince for a pick-me-up. Vince had made the bed and put out some clothes for him. He’d also cleaned up the mess Nathan’d made during his precipitous exit. Nathan pulled the clothes on, a pair of hiking shorts and a dark blue cotton t-shirt...
The Forgotten Menagerie Anthology!!!! Look, you can see Nathan sitting on dude’s arm! Here’s the link if you want to pick up a copy for the reduced price of $4.79 for the ebook or $7.99 for the softcover. You’ll notice the release date is now October 18th, instead of the 15th, because we like...
23 days left until we release the squirrel!
I find myself in the delightful situation of having no particular due dates and about a zillion possible choices of what to work on next. Do I pick the biopunk? Or the low-magic fantasy with the political intrigue? The contemporary rockstar fantasy? The steampunk bunny that latched onto my brain today? (Thanks Babi, I’ll...