
(Early) Tuesday Tickle: Bite Me

The Dirty Birds had a scheduling conflict, so the first post on our new book Self-Editing for Fiction Writers, by Renni Browne, will begin tomorrow. In the meantime, have a bit of young Glyn. I don’t know if this will make it into the book. still struggling through PTSD and not always making good...

Tuesday Anti-Tickle: Bite Me Later

You would think, after all this time, I would recognize that when a chapter isn’t working for me, it’s probably a point of view error. Nope. To parody Writing Excuses: “Fifteen hours, because no one can see it happening and I’m not that smart.” I’ve spent the past three days tweaking and rearranging this...

Tuesday Tickle: Bite Me (Later)

Just a few lines tonight. Writing’s been a hit-or-miss kind of project lately, with more misses than hits. Writer’s block–or, rather, depression masquerading as writer’s block (so I can feel even worse about myself, right? Depression’s a shady bitch.). I’ve learned to recognize it for what it is, which is half the battle. I...

Conversations With My Editor

Editor: Here’s an idea for you–sexy cockroach. Me: o.O Editor: Evil laugh. *Fast forward one month* Me: Hmmmm.*scribbles* *plays with Paint* *Emails editor* Don’t be surprised if this gets written. Editor: Muwahahahaha! I win! It’s like she’s got some weird superpower. That’s okay. She doesn’t know the giant gummy bear that arrived at her...

A New Nightmare for You

This goes way beyond the werecockroach story my editor gifted me with. (Yes, indeed. A werecockroach. He’s a superspy. An indestructible superspy. I mean, he’s a cockroach, right? Not entirely sure who his arch-nemesis is, yet. Maybe a wereSEAL? Too far? Too much pun? Bear in mind, if you shoot this idea down, the...

Tuesday Tickle: Pine Nuts and Honey

I’m grumpy tonight, so I went straight to Nathan and Vince for a pick-me-up. Vince had made the bed and put out some clothes for him. He’d also cleaned up the mess Nathan’d made during his precipitous exit. Nathan pulled the clothes on, a pair of hiking shorts and a dark blue cotton t-shirt...

Tuesday Tickle: Bite Me Furface

I find myself in the delightful situation of having no particular due dates and about a zillion possible choices of what to work on next. Do I pick the biopunk? Or the low-magic fantasy with the political intrigue? The contemporary rockstar fantasy? The steampunk bunny that latched onto my brain today? (Thanks Babi, I’ll...