Don’t look at my progress bars. Or rather, my ‘lack of progress’ bars. It’s been a week, but I’m going to try to catch up on a few things, not the least of which is sleep. We had an all night pool party in my basement last night, compliments of a January thaw, a...
It’s been a weird week, what with revisions and adding a whole heaping pile of word to Bite Me Tender. I can’t say I’ve gotten a whole lot of wordage done, which makes me cranky, which results in this: I think I got him in the eye, which is awesome, considering I haven’t shot...
I knew, someday, I would turn on the computer and see something like this (click on the picture to see where you can buy this). But it’s ok, really, because then I found this: I mean, who doesn’t want Bill Murray on their wall in full Napoleonic gear? (I think it’s...