#RainbowSnippets: Rise of the Alpha Squirrel

RiseoftheAlphaSquirrelfinalAs we get closer to release date, my fingernails get shorter. I’ve been bouncing around the story trying to figure out a good 6 lines to use for Rainbow Snippets this week (check out all of them here!), but I’ve found one that sort of introduces a few new characters.

Now, there’s a bit of a story behind these characters. I’ll explain the goats next week, but the red pandas I’ll explain right now. Devon Hunter is an actor in porn films and sometime male escort, and he loves red pandas. Like, serious squeeing kind of love. It all started as people being silly, chatting on Twitter, but somewhere in there, the red panda family was born, and the twins, Devon and Hunter, ended up being named after Devon. (But, Devon is way better behaved than the twins. Not that the twins mean badly, they’re just young and determined and, well–twins). And that’s why the book is dedicated to Devon.

There’s a serious possibility of Devon and Hunter and their older brother Jake coming back in their own book, once I get Nathan and Vince mostly squared away.

The subtle rustling of the bushes created a haven of privacy for them. Nathan had just finished licking raspberry juice and salad dressing from Vince’s fingers when it occurred to him—there wasn’t actually any wind. He sat back and peered in the direction of the noise.

A small red, masked face poked through the leaves. A second one popped up, right beside it. Then, with a massive crash of snapping twigs, two little black and white goats leaped over the pandas and into the campsite.

“Protect the burgers,” Nathan cried and ran to intercept the four-legged torpedoes barreling around the picnic table.

About the author: Kate Lowell

18 comments to “#RainbowSnippets: Rise of the Alpha Squirrel”

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  1. Rian - February 13, 2016 Reply

    Somewhere down the line I should confess that I’m in love with Nathan and this might as well be today. He makes me laugh every time.^^

    • Kate Lowell - February 13, 2016 Reply

      Poor Nathan. He’s having a terrible time getting something to eat, and his stomach insists that happens before any other other interesting activities occur. *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

  2. Jana Denardo - February 13, 2016 Reply

    This is fun.

    • Kate Lowell - February 13, 2016 Reply

      It’s been fun to write. I like romantic comedy, even if it is twice as hard to write as anything else.

  3. Louise Lyons - February 13, 2016 Reply

    The pandas sound mischievous and the goats – well, they’ll eat anything won’t they? I hope they don’t get the burgers, or anything else.

    • Kate Lowell - February 13, 2016 Reply

      Sadly, it’s RIP burgers. And salad. And s’mores. Nathan’s having a real hard time getting fed in this book. 🙂

  4. P.T. Wyant - February 13, 2016 Reply

    I cannot wait to read this. Can I invite Nathan over for pizza? He’ll only have to share the crusts with my rats.

    Oh, and “I’ll explain the goats next week,” may now be my favorite line of all time…

  5. Kate Lowell - February 13, 2016 Reply

    Lol, thank you. Nathan wants to know if it’s veggie pizza, because that’s all he eats.

  6. Cheryl - February 13, 2016 Reply

    Hehe. I love chaos like this. Can’t wait to meet the twins and be introduced to the goats.

    • Kate Lowell - February 13, 2016 Reply

      The twins are awesome. The goats are pretty fun too. 🙂

  7. Amy Rae Durreson - February 14, 2016 Reply

    Very entertaining mayhem. You’re right about romantic comedy being tough to write, but you do it so well.

    • Kate Lowell - February 14, 2016 Reply

      Thank you. 🙂 I hope Alpha Squirrel lives up to the hype.

  8. JL Merrow - February 14, 2016 Reply

    LOL! Protect the burgers! Save the barbecue! 😀

    • Kate Lowell - February 14, 2016 Reply

      Always! I mean, how is alpha squirrel going to make mad passionate love to his boyfriend if he’s passing out from low blood sugar? Priorities, amiright?

  9. Antonia Aquilante - February 15, 2016 Reply

    What a fun snippet!

    • Kate Lowell - February 15, 2016 Reply

      Thank you!

  10. Nancy - February 15, 2016 Reply

    Can’t wait to be able to snag this from b&n for my nook. Went to pride looking for the rafflecopter but couldn’t find it.

    • Kate Lowell - February 15, 2016 Reply

      Thank you! I’m still waiting for B&N to approve it–hopefully soon. The Rafflecopter hasn’t started yet–it’ll go live on release day. 🙂

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