And My Second Excerpt in as Many Days!
This one is from Flesh Market, the first in the Bodies and Souls series, which was written in response to Loose Id’s Double Lives call. And there’s more double dealing and not telling the whole story going on in that book–it was exhausting just keeping track of who knew what. No, it’s not out, or up for pre-order. In fact, it’s still in the hands of the editor, going through the acceptance (or not) process. So, yes, I’m jumping the gun here a little bit, especially since, if they do accept it, it probably won’t be out until 2016. But you can probably tell I’m a little excited about this story. It’s the most complicated thing I think I’ve ever written, and will likely get more complicated as it goes through edits. 😀 Fun times!
So click on over here, read the excerpts, and pick the one you like the best. Even if it isn’t mine.