Working in Groups

With three members of the House of Manlove now writing for Loose Id, we decided to do something a little fun together. Since our books are coming out approximately one month apart, in honour of the release of the third book in October, and the release of my second, we’re doing a blog post at Joyfully Jay, where all three of us contribute, and we each give away a book.

Sounds simple in concept. Huge challenge in reality.

Just coming up with an idea for the post was hard. Well, no–the actual theme or topic (the critique group and our writing) came about rather easily. But how do you write these up? Do we just ramble? Have one person write a blog post and the others edit it and add bits they think are important? Do an interview? Interview each other? Write three separate short posts?


I’m glad we started a little early. Guaranteed, this is something that will likely undergo multiple drafts before we’re happy with it.

On the writing front, I’ve been making steady, if not speedy, progress on the Christmas story. Kind of derailed today, but it was one of those ‘dealing with the healthcare system’ kind of days, plus a run to the grocery store. Where I totally forgot to buy lunch stuff for the kitten. (Bad Kitty). Hubs had pretty much stopped eating for a couple of days, but we’ve got him going again. Not much, but every little bit counts.

And with that, I have to go.

About the author: Kate Lowell

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