And, the Derail Has Already Begun

Because I found this: How to Handle a Bad Review, which breaks it down into steps. Steps! I love lists! And instructions! This made me feel all warm and fuzzy.

And lunch! Who can forget lunch? Especially when it’s homemade chowder with leftover lobster in it, made by my hubby, who is a much better cook than I.

And I got a new faucet in the kitchen! Because the old one leaked all over the place unless you had it in just the right spot.

And Goodreads Love Has No Boundaries! I’m not normally into vampire fic, but I’ve been sucked in and I’m going down in a big way. Please, please, PLEASE write more about these characters!

And the goldfish are staring at me. It’s unnerving–I think they’re planning a sortie to club me senseless and have a snack. They’re that big. And they’re right by my computer. I bet they’ve been sneaking out to use it at night.

About the author: Kate Lowell

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