Tuesday Tickle: Bite Me, Furface!

I’m officially at 50% of my guesstimate on Furface. (Of course, we all know how accurate that probably is.) I thought I’d celebrate that with a few lines from chapter one, tentatively titled ‘Rattling Cages’. A little bit of Glyn being Glyn, for your entertainment.

It’s Date Night:

The waitress sat them at their usual table, a small one near the back, where Glyn’s hijinks usually went unnoticed. She offered them menus-which they didn’t need but ended up with anyway-accepted their order for beer, and went back to her rapid to and fro between the kitchen and the diners.

Levi had hardly put the menus aside before it started. A sock clad foot made its stealthy way up the inside of his calf, pausing to circle his kneecap, before beginning a slow journey along his inner thigh. Levi sipped at his water and pretended not to notice, just as Glyn pretended that nothing untoward was going on underneath the table.

“Did you want to rent a movie to watch tonight?” Glyn asked, all innocence. The foot crept another inch up Levi’s leg.

“It’s starting to get cold at night. I want to get a bit of wood put in the basement, split some of that big stuff to fit the woodstove.” He watched Glyn’s eyes grow big, but any response the other man would have made was short-circuited by the return of the waitress with their beer. Gotcha!

About the author: Kate Lowell

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